Life’s dramas

We can get wrapped up in the dramas and routines of daily life. St. Paul addresses these concerns when he says, “I should like you to be free of anxieties.”

It’s easy to lose sight of the big picture–that the Lord is with us in all our life experiences, not as a judge or manipulator of events, but as a compassionate companion, as we try to live the best we can, with minds and hearts open to God’s presence, God’s blessings, even in times of trial and turmoil.

It’s natural to experience anxiety every now and then, but we are blessed with a loving God who wants us to have that peace which the world cannot give; a spiritual resilience based on trust that the way of Jesus is the way to true joy; trust in a love deeper than the best we can do; a divine love that will lead us beyond our cares and anxieties; the love that God has for us.

If there’s nothing else that we take away with us each time we go to Mass, it should be that God loves me and walks with me. In the end, that’s the message that Jesus brought us, and that’s the message that will guide us home.

“On those dwelling in a land overshadowed by death, light has arisen.” (Matthew 4:16)

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