
A lot of the spiritual life is about opening our eyes and really seeing, understanding what is truly important. The act of contemplation has been described as a loving look at the real.

Jesus used signs and symbols to communicate with his disciples and to share with them the deep truths of life. They frequently misunderstood or simply didn’t get the point. Their eyes were not open. Is it the same with you and me? Do we look at the world with eyes of faith, or do we sleepwalk through our days?

For example, one lesson of the multiplication of the loaves and fishes is that God takes care of us and gives us what we need, but it is also our work to feed others as well as ourselves. Jesus is always focused on the real needs of others.

The work of living the gospel is not always easy. The descent of the Holy Spirit on the disciples at Pentecost was a strengthening that helped them do what they were called to do. That same Spirit is also with us, as we do the work of disciples, seeing the world as alive with the presence of God and giving of ourselves and feeding those in need.

“Taking the five loaves and the two fish, he looked up to heaven, and blessed and broke the loaves, and gave them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the crowds.” (Matthew 14:19)

3 thoughts on “Seeing

  1. Of course I like these pics, since they are in our ‘hood.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Manfred Schellpfeffer May 22, 2024 — 11:39 am

    Dear Father, so beautiful and inspiring! Thank you so much. We hope you are well. We returned recently from a wonderful five weeks in Europe, but now are getting ready to move to a senior home here in Charlotte. It really is time. Her new address is: 10225 Old Ardrey Kell Road Apt.227.

    Charlotte,N.C. 28277 Best wishes Father! Peace and love, Pat and Manfred


    1. I hope you enjoy your new digs. Being relieved of the burdens of home ownership has its advantages and can bring a sense of freedom. My best to the family. PS Who was old Ardrey Kell?


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