Baptism into freedom

Jesus enters into his public ministry following his baptism by John in the Jordan River. From the beginning Jesus made it clear that he was not about violence or exercising any sort of political authority. He was preaching freedom from the inner constraints of a self-centered life, freedom to reach out to others in love, freedom to return to our original unity with God.

The freedom that Jesus called us to is expressed in the prophesies of Isaiah. The savior is to bring comfort and forgiveness to the people. He is to bring strength of leadership, exercising his moral authority with great care to bring people back to God.

John the Baptist foretold that Jesus would baptize with the Holy Spirit and with fire; that Jesus would be a connection with the Holy Spirit for us, helping us to become aware of the divine presence and to tap into the divine energy, which is ours through our own baptism.

In these turbulent times we are invited to be a part of God’s great project of renewing the earth, of bringing people together, of making a positive difference, in whatever way we are called, trusting that divine love and guidance will always be there for us. God’s words to Jesus are words said to us as well: “You are my beloved one. In you I am well-pleased.”

“O Lord, my God, you send forth your spirit and renew the face of the earth.” (cf. Psalm 104:30)

3 thoughts on “Baptism into freedom

  1. I love your pics and especially the comparison of renewing the face of the earth with the way the snow does this. Yay, Father!


    1. Yes. Nature is continually renewing itself, seen clearly in the transition from winter to spring, which is not too far off.


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