Land’s end

On a recent trip along the southern and mid-coast of Maine, I found myself seeking out roads that ended at the sea. There is something alluring about being at the ocean. Perhaps it’s the vastness of the sea or its power that is fascinating.


I admire those who make their living at sea–not an easy job. Lobster fishermen work long, hard hours for not much money, and their job is a dangerous one. The sea gives, but it can also take away.


I’m drawn to photograph water, particularly the ocean. It’s constantly changing and has a different look as the weather changes. I find great beauty by the sea in all weather conditions.


What is it that attracts us to nature? Why does it make an impression on us? Beauty is one way the Spirit of God pulls us toward the good. Our appreciation of the good in this life is a foretaste of the Good in the next. The beauty of creation is a reflection of the beauty of the Creator.


“The world is charged with the grandeur of God. It will flame out, like shining from shook foil… And for all this, nature is never spent. There lives the dearest freshness deep down things…” (God’s Grandeur, by Gerard Manley Hopkins)


1 thought on “Land’s end

  1. OBrien-Miller, Barbara August 7, 2019 — 10:14 am

    Just what I needed today!
    I will spend my time returning to those images of peace, serenity, and the presence of God
    Thank you, Ron.
    Barbara O’Brien Miller


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